Friday, September 5, 2014

As Another Sept. 11 Anniversary Approaches: A Suggestion from a Survivor

This week I am realizing that the high school freshmen I teach were just a year old when the September 11 attacks happened. Will the significance of the attacks fade as time moves forward?

My husband Greg's thoughts on how to mark the day are here. 

Please never forget the families of those who survived; the families of those who lost loved ones and the families who are facing unimaginable brutality at the hands of extremists.

Pray for their souls too; violent men need mercies humans cannot provide.


  1. I was deeply touched by your husband's essay. My husband also worked in 2 WTC. He is still profoundly affected by the horrors he saw that day. I admire you for your truly Christian attitude towards the terrorists. I am not there yet. I do pray that I may one day forgive them. Meanwhile life has gone on, a child was born to us in 2003. We will always remember and continue to tell our stories.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and commenting I like your prayer so much. Another thing I do when I cannot pray for my enemies is I beg God to find someone who can pray for them. God bless you and congratulations on the baby. (now not a baby!)
