Today began, quietly enough, with a prayer to the Holy Spirit. Two friends and I are praying a novena for a special intention close to our hearts. I have never prayed a novena with friends before and it was calming to know they were praying the same words for the same intention.
The rest of the day sped past. I took Gabriel to his appointment at the pediatric trauma unit, where a nurse removed the five staples in his scalp and declared him good to go - to the gym, to the swimming pool, to Spain. I discovered finding a parking spot at our local hospital takes more time than having staples removed from one's scalp.
Between the cleat-shopping stops, we went to my favorite farmer's market and loaded up on cheese, tomatoes and apples.
Gabriel has an iphone now, and so do I. As I was driving, he spent all those hours in the car today taking pictures through the windshield of the sky. Here is my effort, a photo taken at Wightman's Farms.
"The soul can split the sky in two,
And let the face of God shine through."
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Good times with our kids are priceless!