Thursday, August 8, 2013

Theme Thursday: Statues

Linking up with Cari here. Today's theme is statues.

I can't for the life of me understand how my sister-in-law managed to shoot this pic of her son, at left, and my son. These boys are very lively.

While I am analyzing this....While there are differences in the boys' appearances, some things stand out that shout: cousins swimming in the same DNA pool.

Their body postures. Their foreheads. And finally, their eyes. While their eyes have different shapes, the pupils are nearly identical. 


  1. I agree, that is really an impressive look at DNA! Really so different, and at the same time, so much they share. Great!

  2. Their eyes were the first thing I noticed, too :)

  3. Oh, my. They really do look alike! So much! And your analysis of their eyes is spot on.
