Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

As my friend Scott Dodge reminds us, every day for a Christian should be a thanksgiving - a prayer of gratitude for the life we were called into, for the opportunity to seek Beauty in our circumstances. This particular day of Thanksgiving is almost over.

Our home is quiet after a busy day of family and friends. The steam heat is jostling our radiators and outside no cars pass by.

My husband, who cooked the entire feast, is upstairs asleep. Lucas is playing football on the PS2. Gabriel is returning home after walking around town with two friends, with whom we all earlier played a raucous game of Uno. Our dear friends from North Carolina are back at their hotel with their little girl.

There are dishes to wash, pies to put away and a small dog to walk in the bitter cold. Nobody cared today that our dishes do not match and we ran out of glasses and used plastic cups instead. It was a time to laugh, sing and be together. I hope you had a beautiful day. Tomorrow will be another gift to us.

You are my God, I give you thanks;
my God, I offer you praise.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good,
his mercy endures forever.

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