Sunday, March 17, 2013

If You Watch Nothing Else Today, Please Watch This

Those of you who are Catholic understand why I am crying as I witness the simplicity and humility and warmth of this man. Those of you who are not Catholic might be puzzled. We Catholics believe the Holy Father helps guide us to Christ, that he is one in a long line of men back to St. Peter, who lead the Church in this world. "It is, therefore, the Pope's role, as it was that of Peter, to guide the community of Christ's faithful, to safeguard them in the truth, and to confirm his brothers and sisters in the faith made possible in Jesus Christ." Fr. Kevin Beach


  1. I am not Roman Catholic, but, as a Christian, I am very excited about this man. God always sends us what we need at the right time. xxx

  2. Trust in Christ and Mercy always from HIM! :)
