Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Link Up: 10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me

I swindled this idea from Granola Catholic Why don't you do your own and post a link in the comment box? That way, we can all get to know one another better!

1.  I took an extra year for college because I took extra science courses in the hopes of being a pre-med. I worked very very hard, but simply did not have the grades to continue on that path.

2.  M.D.s  run in my family; my dad is a doctor, as were his two brothers, as is one of my sisters.

3. My mother is a retired public school teacher. So is my mother-in-law.

4. A few summers ago, I voraciously read through three of the four books in the Twilight series. I stopped because I felt ridiculous being obsessed with whether Bella would fall in love with the werewolf or the vampire. Plus, a girlfriend told me the fourth book was icky.

5.  I met my beloved 20 years ago at a Thanksgiving dinner in Statesville, N.C. We talked until about 3 a.m., but  didn't start dating until about six months later. (My idea not to date; not his! Silly me.)

6. I  spilled a plate of fried eggs on a customer at a diner where I waitressed after graduating from college. I quit the job that very night. (I was working a 12 hour overnight shift).

7. I was a lousy waitress (in case that wasn't already clear from #6). Too much to keep straight in my head - this one needs dessert; this family just showed up; the other guy's soup is ready etc.

8. I am not an auditory learner. In one ear, out the other. If I write something down, however, I rarely forget it.

9. Many many things I don't write about; most have to do with struggles of my siblings or my husband's' or of the challenges my students face.
10.  My husband is the oldest boy in a family of three boys and a girl. I am the youngest in a family of three girls and one boy. This is one more way we complement each other.


  1. Love it! Mine's up now: http://www.clan-donaldson.com/2012/02/link-up-rambling-follower-10-things-you.html

  2. I am can relate to not being an auditory learner, I have always learned by writing things down, in fact just writing down something helps me to remember even mundane things like my shopping list, because I never leave that in the car or lose it at the first of three stores I am going to that day.

  3. My friend Kris @ Houseful O Harpers did one, too : you can find it here

    1. "you can find it here" is the link. der. I outsmarted myself!

  4. I was not a fan of the waitressing, either! It was the worst...

    Okay, love this idea. Here's my post :) http://www.houseunseen.com/2012/02/10-things-you-may-not-know-about-me.html

  5. Thanks for the invite, Allison! Here is my link: http://homeindouglas.blogspot.com/2012/02/10-things-you-may-not-know-about-me.html

  6. This is fun! I will be posting my shortly. I know what you mean about not being able to write about a lot of important stuff. I guess that's the difference between a completely anonymous blogger and one that has real connections. I tend to only read blogs from people I know or almost know (like you!). I feel like if I went to New Jersey, we would meet up and talk like we've known each other a long time :)

    1. Yes I think it would work like that. I met blogger Fran Rossi S. in real life as we were going to a family wedding in her area and the time flew by!

  7. http://theclayrosarygirl.blogspot.com/2012/02/link-up-10-things-you-probably-didnt.html

  8. Another friend's link up: http://thislearnedlife.blogspot.com/2012/02/getting-to-know-you.html

  9. This was hard, because I am the least interesting thing on my blog. Everyone wants to hear about the kids. But I gave it a try. Here it is:


  10. Hi Allison, I found out about your blog from Cari. Here is mine:


  11. Okay, finally on board.


  12. Running late here...that would probably be thing #11 ;-0


  13. I have included you in the "Versatile Blogger Award" because I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog. Gosh, I should have read your ten points above first, just in case you wrote I hate blogger awards--Oh, well.

    Please see: http://alife-sizecatholicblog.blogspot.com/2012/02/versatile-blogger.html Be sure to follow the requirements –if you can—that include:

    1. Write a post on your blog about receiving the Versatile Blogger and be sure to link back to the blog of the person who passed it on to you.
    2. Share 7 facts about yourself.
    3. Pass the award on to 15 other bloggers. I have a difficult time with the idea “keep it simple.”—although it’s on my bucket list! All you are expected to do is to name and link your award winners in this step.


  14. woot! Thanks Holly. Running out of juice on this laptop and sonnyboy has the cord and is visiting friends, but will get to this. Thanks!

  15. No worries ... it took me a while to get to it myself!

  16. It has taken me a bit of time but here is my post.

  17. http://www.sarahlcc.com/2012/02/10-things-your-probably-didnt-want-to.html

    :-) I've been out of town for a while! Thanks for the invitation to join you in this fun little game! I'm glad to be back in my normal place where I can blog again!
