Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to Celebrate Christmas Without Hurting Yourself

I mean that mostly figuratively.

My friend Dee is a new grandma, a retired teacher, and an ovarian cancer survivor. She blogs at Women of Teal. She has spent two Christmases in treatment and today offers "Advice from my Christmas past" (Gee, the English teacher in me loves the Dickens' allusion!)  for recovering cancer patients on how to manage the holidays. As I read it, I realized her advice applies also to moms, particularly to the mothers of small children. Boy, how exhausting that time of life can be. So please stop by her blog and leave a comment!

(As an aside, Dee and I met when we were fellow parishioners. We're both in new parishes now; she and her husband moved to a community many towns away and my family decided to switch back to the parish where our sons had been baptized. Funny thing, I know Dee better now via our blogs and facebook than I ever did when we saw each other every week at church!)

1 comment:

  1. This is how I feel and we haven't even started.....a lot of commitments!
