Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Food Is Not Love, But Homemade Cookies Sure Feel Like It

I've been plagued by awful seasonal allergies for the past week, allergies so bad I spent most of the weekend sleeping and had to call in sick today. While home, I received one of our son's progress reports, or, I should say his lack of progress report. The painters who are supposed to be painting the exterior of our house seem to be showing up about 20 minutes a day, and winter is coming. Because I have been out of commission for so long, the refrigerator is a mess, the laundry is piling up (to be fair, my husband does a huge amount of family laundry) and the floors are filthy. 

What better way to improve my outlook than to bake cookies? I knew we had raisins and eggs and flour and sugar and so I googled "raisin cookies." Gotta love google. 

As advertised on the Joy of Baking website: Raisin Cookies are very popular with kids probably because of their soft and chewy texture and buttery sweet flavor. These homey, raisin-packed, old fashioned drop cookies are a busy mother's friend as the batter is quickly made and then all you do is drop small spoonfuls onto a baking sheet. The cookies are baked until their centers are just beginning to turn brown yet their edges are a lovely golden brown color. Raisin Cookies make a great after school snack and they also make a welcome surprise when tucked into lunch boxes.

So between blowing my nose, drinking diet ginger ale, and using my beloved NetiPot, I managed to bake a batch. (Yes, I washed my hands well before preparing the batter.) A plate of freshly-baked cookies sits beside the dirty dishes and the partly cleaned refrigerator. Not as symmetrical as the ones in the picture, but hey, it's time for milk and cookies and a long nap.

Think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about three o'clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap. 
Barbara Jordan 


  1. Sounds lovely. I need a break too. Being put on bed rest sounds like a good idea right about now--not that I wish for a complicated pregnancy; just to lie down in bed all day and maybe have time to read a book or watch a movie.

    1. I can't imagine how busy you are Sarah! Can you nap when your children do? That was my lifesaver.

