Friday, December 30, 2011

Reflections on January 1: Psalm 67 and Theotokos

I've been asked to substitute cantor Sunday morning at our former parish.  Yesterday, I chatted with the substitute organist over the phone and she's searching for the music to accompany Psalm 67. I'm making some inquiries. (Hey: if you know, let me know) In the meantime, I googled Psalm 67. It is a song of national thanksgiving. And then I thought about how we'll be singing this song on the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God,  or Theotokos.

Given the economic stress and polarized politics in the United States, it can be hard in these days to feel a sense of national unity. And in Nigeria, Iraq, Egypt and elsewhere, that internal strife has deadly consequences.  Psalm 67 makes it clear that any achievement, any accomplishment that occurs in a nation comes from to the One who generated us. We owe all we have to a Presence who we follow on our journeys, whether we consider our journeys as individuals, as families, or as nations. We all are in need of mercy. We follow a Presence and we long to see its face.

And then, we consider Mary, the mother of God, who carried the Son of God in her womb and whose flesh became part of his.  She is not the mother of God in the sense of being older than God, rather in that God sent his Son to live among us, to be born of a woman. She gave birth to the word of God. How much more clearly can the Infinite give us a sign of  dwelling among us: now and always.

O God, be gracious and bless us and let Your face shed its light upon us. 
So will Your ways be known upon earth and all nations learn Your saving help.
Let the peoples praise You, O God;
let all the peoples praise You.
Let the nations be glad and exult for You rule the world with justice. 
With fairness You rule the peoples, You guide the nations on earth.
Let the peoples praise You, O God;
let all the peoples praise You.
The earth has yielded its fruit for God, our God, has blessed us. 
May God still give us His blessing till the ends of the earth revere Him.
Let the peoples praise You, O God;
let all the peoples praise You.

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